Wasagamack First Nation School
Newsletter - June 2023

Summer Edition

A Look Back at School Year 2022-2023 under the New Normal

From the Education Director

photo of Adam Knott

Hello to the Community Members!

As the school year 2022-2023 draws to a close, I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to the leadership, teachers and admin staff of the Wasagamack First Nation School for making this school year a successful one. Same goes to the parents and community members who keep sending their children to school and entrust their education in our care. Our success is also your success.

Once again, we have surpassed our expectations despite the challenges we faced in navigating our school under the new normal. With health protocols still in place, we managed to bring the school year to a productive finish with our number of graduates surpassing that of last year. Good job everyone!

Congratulations to the graduating class of school year 2022-2023! As the new school year 2023-2024 is about to unfold, let us always remember how we got this far. We have done it before … let us do it again.

Adam Knott
Wasagamack Education Authority

From the Principal

photo of Randy Harper

Hello to all community members, greetings!

First of all, as our school year comes closer to the end, I would like to congratulate all the students for their efforts. The same goes out to the teachers and support staff, Thank you and congratulation for a job well done.

It always feels awesome coming close to the end of the school year and have successfully worked with students. I saw many happy faces. It is always a joy to see our students succeed.

Randy Harper

From the Admin Office

Hello students and staff!!

It is that time of year again. Another school year coming to an end. Hopefully everyone has enjoyed their school experience.

With that, I wish everyone a fun safe and happy summer holidays.

Eda Mason

From the Cultural Coordinator


My name is Nora Whiteway. I just started working as a Cultural Coordinator this year 2023. We have been teaching the students ice fishing. It was a good experience for them catching whitefish, marias, suckers, jackfish and trout.

This spring, the students started planting seeds from vegetables to flowers. They will take them home to plant in their yards at the end of school year. The students are eager to learn about their culture, traditions and land based teachings.

Thank you very much.

From the High School Science Room

Keith Ranville - Science Teacher

photo of Science classroom

Hello everyone!

Summer is here again!!! Yay!!! The years are getting better as we go on. Covid is starting to go away. Yay!!!

The students are doing good and continuing with their education. I will have to say bye to some students because they are graduating. It is a good thing so please do not feel sorry for me. The graduates may think it is the end, but it is just beginning for them. I am very proud of them all.

I apologize for those who did not get a Wasagamack First Nation School t-shirt. I gave them all away to people during an open house. I held on to them for two years. Well… anyways. Everyone be well and stay safe out there. Covid is not totally away so be careful.

Thank you.

From the High School English, Language Arts

Sylvia Harper - ELA Teacher

Hello from the High School ELA classroom!!

photo of ELA classroom This year was very interesting. In this classroom we only had grades 10-12 which enabled us to have all grades have a class in each semester. This helped bring our class numbers down and also gave some students the opportunity to get their credit in the second semester if they were unable to obtain their credit in the first semester.

We had a very busy year in both semesters. As our covid control improves, we are able to have more class time which is always a plus! Great job to the community for being aware of covid precautions and procedures.

I enjoy having class with all the students every day, and I hope that next year will be as equally enjoyable or even better. I will miss the students who will be graduating but I am always so proud of them no matter what path they choose after they graduate. In my eyes, they are all achieving so much in different ways.

Have a good summer everyone! See you next year.

From the Grade 9 ELA/Math/HS Life Skills

Donna Wood - Teacher


Hello, I teach grade 9 ELA, Grade 9 Math and Grade 12 Life/Work Planning. This is my first year teaching these subjects. It was all basic. I loved teaching Life work planning. It is a course to help you get ready for college. I teach what is expected of them when they go off to college. Their final is a 5 Minute Presentation on their topic of choice, hobbies, game or what they like to do. This is my only year to teach these courses.

The students are hard workers. I would like to congratulate the graduates of 2023. Do not stop here go all the way to achieve your dreams. It was a good year working with them.

Have a good summer!

From the High School Guitar Class

Bobby Knott - Guitar Teacher

Greetings from the music/guitar room!

photo of Guitar classroom The students are getting better and better each and every day they come to class. It is important to understand that putting maximum effort into anything like education and playing the guitar will get maximum results.

Also, the first time since June of 2019, our guitar students will be showcasing their hard work and efforts in year-end concert sometime in June of 2023. The program will feature a variety of music that have been arranged for guitar ensemble by me and other colleagues. There will be 5 groups all together from Grade 6 – Grade 12. It is important for parents and family members to come show their support and admiration for their child at this event.

Thank you.

From the MY/HS Computer Lab

Butch Rabasto - Computer Teacher

photo of HS computer lab

Hello everyone!

The school year 2022-2023 has been a fruitful one for all students from Grade 9 to 12 attending computer classes. While we have encountered challenges and difficulties along the way brought about by the current global pandemic, we were able to overcome them head-on. At the lab, we do a hybrid classroom delivery and strictly followed health protocols to ensure safety of the students during class hours and at the same time creating a conducive and worry-free learning environment.

The students learned resiliency from what we have been through, I am proud to see them making their marks in their academic studies especially those students who made it to the graduating class of school year 2022-2023.

Congratulations, graduates! Have a safe and enjoyable summer, everyone!

From the HS Business Course

Corazon Rabasto - Teacher

photo of Business course Classroom

Greetings of good health to one and all!

As we surpassed another school year, I want to thank all the students for the memories and learning we have shared inside and outside the classrooms. It has been my pleasure to teach each and every student in class. Always strive to be the BEST you can be! To the parents, thank you once again for entrusting your child in our care. Blessings to everyone!!!

From the HS Industrial Arts

Willie Deaffie - Teacher
Murdough McDougall - IA Assistant

photo of IA-2 Classroom

Hello everyone!

Another school year is coming to an end. There have been some trying times but we managed to get through them. We are taught that with adversity comes knowledge and strength.

I hope that I have instilled work ethics and pride in the work that we did. We have to work hard to accomplish our goal. Stay focused and we can achieve that goal.

At this time, I would also like to acknowledge the Education Authority for giving us the time to go to the Lighting the Fire conference. There is so much information there that we can put to use in the classroom. We have to strive to keep our language alive. We should never be ashamed to learn our language for it is very sacred. It teaches us life skills, medicines. Learn one word a day and soon you will be able to speak and understand the language.

Remember, we never quit learning.

From the HS Home Economics

Cheyanne Mason - Teacher

Hello everyone!

It has been an exciting year teaching Home Economic to the students.

The grades 7 and 8 students alternate from first and second semester with the Industrial arts class. So they can both have the classes. High school, we have grade 9,10 and 11.

This is our second year in our new classroom with sewing machines and 7 kitchens. This gives us more space and projects for our lessons. They have been learning to use the sewing machines and having cooking sessions, with yummy treats.


From the HS Physical Education

Mark Wood - Teacher

Hello everyone!

This is my first year teaching Senior High Phys. Ed and I can say it was a very good year for the students as they participated in school sport tournaments and many activities. They have learned the fundamentals and basic rules in sports. We did warm ups before each class. Stretching, laps, etc. after all that I let them choose what to play to practice and socialize with each other.

To all the students, I would like to thank everyone for the great year!

From the HS Native Language

Solomon Harper - Teacher

Hey there everyone!

This year we did not do so bad with school closures. Hopefully we do much better next year.

In Native Language I hope to focus on the language itself next year. Students have no idea how to use syllabics when they do not know the language. I strongly encourage the students to try and learn it from home as well.

Would like to wish the best of future for students that are graduating this year, keep moving forward! Hope you all have a great summer!

From the Newsletter Committee

photo of 2023-2024

Butch Rabasto
Corazon Rabasto
April Harper

We look forward to another year full of fun and excitement!

Welcome, School year 2023-2024!

From the Vice Principal

photo of MarilynD

Hello, from the Vice Principal!

Well, what do you know? Another school year is now coming to an end and everyone is super happy and excited. Every day, when I arrive at work, I thank the Lord for His gifts, His goodness and His mercy. I put everything in His hands and ask Him to guide us and keep us safe throughout each day.

Now as I sit in my office, I think of all the things that happened throughout the year. We achieved, we learned, we lost, we feared, we anticipated, we even cried, but most of all, we succeeded and that is all that matters. We went through so much and we must try and focus on the good things because good things are what keeps us going and we must remain strong and continue to live for our children. They are the future.

I am very proud of all our students. Thank you for sticking with us all year. I want to thank the teachers and staff for a job well done and also the parents, grandparents, and guardians for sending us your children. Have a safe and wonderful summer!

Marilyn D. Harper
Vice Principal

From the HS Guidance Counsellor

photo of Albert Harper

Hello parents and friends!

Where did the year go? Seemed like the students did not really go to school, because of the COVID still hanging around. Still they managed to do work to try and complete the school year.

Lots of activities were still happening in the school at the time. I would like to congratulate the students who are graduating which is a good number of them.

Again, congratulations and good luck in your future endeavours.

Albert Harper
Guidance Counsellor

From the Home/School Counsellor

photo of Donna Harper

Hello Everyone!!!

We are almost done for the year. I would like to thank all the parents for sending your kids to school.

I also would like to congratulate all the graduates from school year 2022-2023.

Have a good and safe summer.

Thank you.

Donna Lee Harper
Home School Counsellor

From Nursery

Amanda V. Harper - Teacher

Greetings from Nursery!!!

Goodbye sticky fingers, runny noses, head, shoulders, knees and toes.
Shapes and colors, ABCs, taking turns and 123s.
Toothless smiles, hugs and giggles, circle time and lots of giggles.
Learning how a flower grows.
Little friends, take off now.
Spread your wings, soar to new heights, learn new things.

Have a safe summer, everyone!

From Kindergarten

Francine Wood - Teacher

Hello from Kindergarten 1 and 2 classroom!

We are very busy in the Kindergarten classroom. The kinder graduation was held last June 13 and that was our last day of school, too. There are 46 graduates this year.

The kindergarten students had a wonderful year. They will be going to Grade 1 in the fall.

I hope everyone stays safe all summer. Please supervise your children when they go swimming.

From the Early Years Computer Lab (Grade 2-6)

Nathan Knott - Computer Teacher

photo of EY computer lab

Hello everyone!

We are fortunate this year and the past year to have a computer labrs for the early years in our new school. It was introduced last year and it has become part of the daily schedule of the school.

In the early years computer lab, we have students from grade 2 to grade 6 come in every day. They enjoy the days as they are growing and preparing to move into the high school area of the school in the future. It has been a great year but it was slow in the beginning with occasional closure due to covid. But the rest of the years was awesome. And it will get awesome every day when we do new things in the classroom. There are 24 plus 2 staff computers in the computer lab, more than enough to accommodate the students in early years every day.

As the year is closing, I hope to see you all next year as you have been great this year.

From Grade 1B

Maggie Harper - Teacher

Greetings from Grade 1B!

The school year went by quickly, yet we still have so much to learn! Grade ones were still learning the basics after the school closures due to COVID, they caught on quickly and was so eager to learn each day. We had fun during the school year with all the activities that were held. We went rabbit snaring and setting up the net out on the ice. They were excited to enjoy and explore the outdoor events. Now the warm weather is upon us, we have outdoor recess and we love it! We are approaching the end of the school year fast and we have more stuff planned that we have to fit in our busy schedule.

Everyone, stay safe in the coming summer break.

From Grade 2B

Marilyn S. Harper - Teacher

Hello from Grade 2B!

Our class has adjusted to our daily routine! It was hard at first with all the school closures due to COVID. The students are enjoying having a bit of normalcy since the pandemic first started. They have been learning quite a lot in all subjects and are so eager to learn. They are enjoying having their gym time where they get to go exercise and play sports as well as learning basic computer skills in Computer class. They have also been going to Library where they get to read a variety of books.

We have been doing a lot of activities throughout the year including Halloween, Christmas, Valentines Day, St. Patricks Day to name a few. We will be approaching a very busy month as the school year is coming to an end next month; they will be getting ready for the upcoming Early Years feast and Annual Treaty Re-enactment!

The Grade 2B would like to say hello to everyone reading and have a great remainder of the school year!

From Grade 2C

Doreen Harper - Teacher

Hello from Grade 2C!

There are lots to say about what we have covered so far. We reviewed the basics of the grade 2 work. Students learned to respect each other and the surroundings of the new school. We like to start off our day with good breakfast in our tummies which is the important meal of the day, Students are eager to learn new things. We have a sharing circle once a week to talk about what we learned on that week. Now students are excited about coming to the bazaar.

Have a great summer, everyone!

From Grade 3A

Emma J. Harper - Teacher

photo of Grade 3A room

Hello from Grade 3A!

I was busy during the last few months for the students since we had more school time. I enjoyed the ability of students to do work even at times it was a bit more than expected. I am pleased that I get a full class regularly.

Students enjoyed doing special activities that school put throughout the year. I hope to see these students attend everyday next school year. It has been a pleasure teaching them this year.

From Grade 3B

Amanda Harper - Teacher

photo of Grade 3B room

Greetings from Grade 3B!

We are working very hard as the school year is coming to an end. It was a rough year at first but we have adjusted to the routine. Students are enjoying their everyday class schedules.

Computers: learning to type and components of the computer, internet, websites and listening to rules of the computer class.

Native Language: learning to write in syllabics, and speaking in Ojibway- Cree.

Physical Education: students enjoying the big gym with activities and sports!

Library: students going to the big library to read with the librarian or activities planned by her and lots of books!

We always have fun Fridays where we enjoy activities or plan a movie with popcorn and snacks as a reward for the hard work they have done during the week!

Thanks from all of us in Grade 3B!

From Grade 4C

Dion Mason - Teacher

Hello from Grade 4C!

Another school year is coming to end. The students have been working so hard, learning new things. We always start off the day with a morning prayer. They enjoyed the activities that happened throughout the year such as the fish fry, bazaar and many more.

The Grade 4C class would just like to greet you all and wish you all a safe summer break.

From Grade 5B

Violet Wood - Teacher

Hello from Grade 5B!

We have 16 students that come in regularly. I started in January, had health problems and was happy to come back. Just recently, got a TA, Jasmine Wood. The children loved her.

We look forward to the upcoming activities, picnics, graduation, awards day and classroom parties. We had a great year and got to know each other well.

From Grade 6B

Ken Harper - Teacher

Hello from Grade 6B!

The school year is coming to an end. We had a lot to learn around us and about ourselves. Some even had a growth spurt. We had a lot of fun with extra-curricular activities. No bullying ... it is not a nice thing being done to you.

Have a safe summer and see you next school year!

From Grade 7A

Cecilia Harper - Teacher

Hello from Grade 7A!

We are proud to say we have learned many skills in doing our all subject areas. Learning and practice more at home and in school is encouraging for us to keep up.

We are slowly finishing up our novel studies. Can you believe it? We did 4 months!. In each book there are special messages and one of them is Courage does not mean you do not get afraid. Courage means you do not let fear stop you. Do not be afraid to try new things and do not be afraid to ask for help.

Have a good summer and stay safe.

From Grade 8C

Fabian Harper - Teacher

Hello from Grade 8C!

What a wonderful year this has been! It has been a pleasure to have such a wonderful class of students. The students have been working hard and have all tried their best. We have grown together and I want to thank each student for all the warmth, the memories, and the learning that we have shared this school year.

The school year is coming to an end and I wish for the best and safe summer for all students and staff of Wasagamack First Nation School.

See you in the Fall.

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Stay SAFE everyone and enjoy the summer break!!!