George Knott School
Newsletter - November 2018

Fall/Winter Edition

Message from the Administration

photo of Adam Knott

Hello to the Community Members!

It has been a very busy school year so far. There are lots of students attending especially in the early years. I would like to encourage all students to try their best. To be successful, attend school regularly and do your school work. Thank you to all the staff for your hard work.

I would like to thank the parents for their support.

Adam Knott

From the Guidance Department

photo of Albert Harper

Time is flying and pretty soon the first semester will be upon us. So students, do not let your guard down with trying to get your credits for this semester. Do not wait till the last minute to get a passing mark. We urge the parents to drop-in once in a while to see how the students are doing. If you want to check their credits, come and see me. So, students work hard this semester!!

Learn a moral lesson from the challenge of We-sa-kay-chak ... click here to read the story

Albert Harper
Guidance Counsellor

photo of Donna Harper

Hello Everyone!!!
I would like to encourage all parents to dress their kids warm and keep sending them to school. We have had good attendance ... keep it up. Christmas is just around the corner. Let us all have a very merry and joyous season.

Thank you.

Donna Lee Harper
Home School Counsellor


Francine Wood - Teacher

Hello from Kindergarten class!!!

Welcome to kindergarten, I am excited to work with your child and we are going to have fun. The students have done a great job adjusting to our daily routine.

Our Classroom Rules are:
No fighting
No running around

Please help your child arrive to school on time.
Please call the school if your child is sick or out of the community.
You are welcome in our classroom anytime.
Please come see the work of your kids.

Greetings from Grade 1A

Heather Little - Teacher

The students are getting into the routine finally! We had a blast on Halloween party. The students played some games. We are doing our freeze up unit right now. We are learning a lot of number writing. The students are getting a hang of it now. We will be practicing our Christmas song for the concert.


From Grade 6A

Blandilyn B. Galeon - Teacher

Grade 6-A Halloween Party 2018

Hello from Grade 6!

I hope you have all been getting out and enjoying the chilly weather. In English Language Arts, we have been learning about sentence structure and paragraph writing. We have been working to edit paragraphs that have mistakes in them and learn about grammar, punctuation, and spelling. In Science, we will continue to look at classification and how all organisms are classified into the five kingdoms. In Math, we are developing our problem solving and flexible thinking skills and we are also working on our multiplication fact skills. You can help your child with these facts by setting a time aside for them to practice. These are just some of the things that we are doing in our class. We are looking forward to all the new learning we will be doing in the month of December to expand our knowledge. Until then, have a good learning day! Signing off ... Grade 6-A!!

From the High School Science Room

Hello Wasagamack!

The time is flying by so fast. Halloween has passed and the next thing we will know it is Christmas. I hope everyone is doing fine. The grade 9b students whom I am still learning their names are awesome. The grade 11s and 12s are very good also. Grade 11s have already done their mid-term exams and my other two classes are not far behind. Chess club is up and running again. Sorry to those who want to play and cannot because of the full sign-up sheet. The science fair this year will take place on January 17 or 18. We have four categories, which are grades 1-3, grades 4-6, grades 7-9, and grade 10-12. I hope we have a great turn out this year like we had last year. The winners of our science fair will travel to STP to compete in the regional science fair. Hopefully, the winners will also go to Winnipeg to compete there.

Well, nothing much else to say so I will sign out here.

Thank you very much.

Keith Ranville - High School Science Teacher
(Softball club administrator, Recycle program administrator, Chess club administrator, Origami club administrator, and Tooth brush program administrator)

Greetings from the Social Studies Department

Randy Harper - High School Social Studies Teacher

Hello Wasagamack!

First off, I will like to say that many of the students are doing very well in class. Grade 9 are studying Canada in the contemporary world, the grade 10 are studying geological issues, and the grade 12 are studying Canadian law. I will like remind students to complete their assignments, to ask for help in their studies, to attend school on a daily basis and attend all their classes. We are all here to learn skills, to read, math and many other things.

To the parents, continue to encourage and support you child they will make you proud. Do your best and you will be successful.

Till then, Thanks.

From English, Language Arts

Sylvia Harper - Teacher

Hello from the ELA portable!

We have been so very busy since September. Grade 9Bs have been busy getting to know themselves as learners, grade 11s have been working on their zines and Career Development students have been learning about themselves as resilient people and their future goals and aspirations.

Grade 9s and grade 11s will be starting their novel studies soon. Grade 9s will be reading either The Absolutely True Diaries of a Part-time Indian OR The Hunger Games. They will choose what they want to read. Grade 11s will be starting April Raintree. Right now we only have 7 copies in my classroom, if anyone out there borrowed a copy, can you please return it to my classroom? Thank you! I love it when students sign out books from my classroom and I love it even more when they return them.

It is absolutely important that students attend classes regularly, so parents, keep on pushing your children out the doors and send them to school! The rewards of a completed education are so worth all the struggles in the end!

Thank you for reading this little blurb! Until next time I bid thee adieu!

Greetings from the Physical Education Dept - High School

Donna Wood - Phys Ed Teacher

We are keeping up with our Fitness circuits. We did not attend zones this year. Practices will soon be starting for Volleyball, Basketball and Floor Hockey. I need help in trying to fix the school rink. I do not know who to ask to fix the pole that is almost falling. I want the students to be busy and use the rink. If you have suggestions, let me know. Call the school. We need to keep our youth busy.

Have a very merry Christmas and safe holidays!!!

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Stay SAFE this winter, everyone and enjoy the upcoming Christmas holidays!!!

photo of Leslie Harper

Hello, from the Vice Principal

School was open in September. We had a lot of students that came to school but as of now, they are slowly slacking off. The students have a lot of excuses why they do not come to school. So, we believe them, we try to help them anyway we can and we have guidance counsellors in the school. We try to utilize them in their fields. The school is here for students to learn and get educated. So, send your children to school. They can be lazy at times when you tell them to go to school, but keep at them.

Christmas is around the corner, we will be having activities and a concert for the students. Come and watch them ... they will appreciate it.

So once again, I encourage you, parents, to send your children to school and if they are sick, call Donna Harper.

We will be doing field trips as well in the future and we always look for hardworking and committed students to take part in these events. The high school needs a total of 30 credits to graduate from Grade 12 and they need to be in school.

Have a nice winter.

Leslie Harper
Vice Principal

From the Resource Department

photo of Marilyn D

Marlyn D. Harper - Resource

Greetings to everyone!
We have been very, very busy here in our department. Everyday is different, some days easy, some days challenging. We are here trying our best to keep everyone safe and at the same time trying to keep everyone included in the classroom. We have so many students that need us full time during the school day. We also have those that do not really need us but we try and push them to get to their maximum potential. Some of our students just need that little push. So, if you are one of those students, please let us help push you and lift you up so you will succeed in the end.

We have had many visitors since the start of the school year and we have many more scheduled. So, if you see me come prowling around your home, do not be alarmed. It means we are trying to help your child. Your participation will be greatly appreciated.

I would like to thank all parents for sending their children to school. We love having them. Please keep sending them on a regular basis because once they get into a routine, they get to know their EAs, they know what to expect and they excel in all that they do. If their routine gets disrupted, we fall back to square one and we start over. But, we do not mind as long as we have them here is all that matters.

I wish everyone a safe winter. Please watch out for each other.

Greetings from Grade 1B

Cindy Knott - Teacher

Hello Parents and Guardians,

The students have adjusted well to the new routine; where they have to stay in school all day. They enjoy learning new things and making new friends. Halloween was fun, Remembrance Day was interesting and now they are looking forward to the Christmas activities.

There are two educational assistants who work in the classroom daily and they rotate every other day. Other assistants supervise special needs students constantly.

The students learn in both languages, English and the Island Lake Dialect. Most of them are fluent in English. It is important that they learn our language from home too. They are going to be the future leaders of Wasagamack and to be successful community members.

So, wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Make your holidays a happy and safe one.

From Grade 2B

Anne McDougall - Teacher

Greetings from Grade 2B!

We are learning to be more respectful, responsible students. We are in the midst of making our own sentences, adding, learning our days of the week, the months of the year and skip counting. We like to make stuff in our classroom for Fall, Halloween, Remembrance Day and Winter activities. We know that we should follow the rules of the school and to be fair to each other. Our teacher is teaching us some of our language because it is important to know this.

Greetings from Grade 3C

Emma Jane Harper - Teacher

I want to thank you parents for sending your children to school every day. We have been doing a lot of hands-on-activities in our class and students enjoy doing that a lot. Most of the students are still adjusting to the work load that has to be done in this grade. We have covered most of the work in math, science, social studies and ELA. I would like you parents to encourage your children to try and use their first language. It is vital to us and needs to be spoken also. There is a language committee in school and would like you parents to join us and come and learn. We need to promote it and pass it on for our Elders who have gone and wanted it spoken in our school in my class.

Computer Lab

Butch Rabasto
Computer Teacher
Grade 11B Homeroom Teacher


More than two (2) months have already passed since the opening of classes for school year 2018-2019 and we have covered a lot of grounds in our academics including our cultural week, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Aboriginal Veterans Day and Remembrance Day celebrations along the way.

This year, with the introduction of Business Course as a pilot program in High School, the courses offered in computer (AICT 1 & 2, Print Communications, Data Collection & Analysis, Photography and Web Development) will provide real life applications, scenarios and examples to supplement the business course on the role of technology in the digital world of commerce.

We are currently upgrading our PCs in the computer lab and setting up and configuring two (2) S6000 smartboards for ELA and Grade 7B. Soon we will be introducing VR & AR (virtual and augmented reality), coding and aerial photography in our computer courses ... lots of new stuff for our students to learn and explore in the digital world.

So parents and guardians, keep sending your children to school to learn. Life skills and knowledge are indispensable tools for our children as they go to another level to pursue higher education.

Business Course

Corazon Rabasto
BSBA - Accounting

business adage

Welcome back! We would like to inform everyone that George Knott School is currently offering Business Courses (Business Innovations, Personal Finance, Accounting Essentials & Accounting Systems) for high school students as a pilot project this school year 2018- 2019 based on Manitoba ACE (Applied Commerce Education) curriculum. The program is designed to equip high school students with versatile, dynamic skills in a variety of fields including accounting, finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, economics, administration, management or be self-employed. Please continue to work with us, so your child can grow in confidence, with a love of learning and a determination to be the best person they can be.

Thank you parents/guardians for entrusting the education of your kids in our care.

Wishing you a blessed and a joyous Christmas!


From the Chief of Student Council

Joey Harper - Student Chief

Greetings from the Chief and Student Council!

Hi, my name is Joey Harper. I want to thank you guys for electing me as student chief this year. I will be trying my best to have exciting upcoming events this year that we can all be a part of. Halloween has already passed by and I am sorry for not doing anything for the past few months. However, I have some plans for this upcoming winter but I also want to ask you guys what do you want to do so we can include them in our plans.

So, if you have anything in mind, please inform me or one of the councillors regarding this matter. Thank you.