George Knott School
Newsletter - November 2019

Fall/Winter Edition

Message from the Administration

photo of Adam Knott

Hello to the Community Members!

I would like to welcome everyone as we start the 1st term of our school year 2019-2020. During the annual general meeting held recently, we bring the good news that our new school is already in the finishing stage and hopefully, we could start our transition to the new site by 2021. I know everyone is excited and looking forward to its completion.

I encourage everyone to study hard and make use of their class time productively. To become successful, you need to attend classes regularly, listen to your teacher and do your school work and assignments to meet the standard passing requirements of the course you are taking.

Christmas is just around the corner and I am sure we have a lot of activities and festivities at the school. I join you in celebrating this joyous occasion and as we get together and have fun in our celebration, let us not forget that Christmas is not only about you and me, our families, friends and loved ones. It is about the birth of Jesus Christ, God's greatest gift to mankind and the message that it brings to us all ... Peace on earth and goodwill to men!

Have a safe and joyous holidays, everyone!

Adam Knott
Wasagamack Education Authority

photo of Oral Travers

Hello everyone here at George Knott School and the community of Wasagamack!

I am very excited to have the opportunity working side by side with all students and dedicated staff promoting education, learning and growth for our school. Let us work together to make this academic school year of 2019-2020 an enjoyable and rewarding experience for everyone.

ekosi miigwetch.

Oral Travers

From the Guidance Department

photo of Albert Harper

We are all on our way into the first semester.

I would like to urge the students to keep coming to school every day. And parents, do drop-in every once in a while, we would appreciate seeing you at the school.

Have a good school year!

Albert Harper
Guidance Counsellor

photo of Donna Harper

Hello Everyone!!!

I would like to encourage you, parents to keep sending your kids to school and please dress them warm for the winter. I also would like to thank all the parents for sending them. Make sure to call the school if your kids are sick. We have had a good start at the beginning of the year... let us keep it up.

Christmas season is approaching fast. Let us enjoy the rest of the year.

A big Thank You to everyone.

Donna Lee Harper
Home School Counsellor


photo of nursery class

Greetings from Nursery!!!

A day in the life of the little kids doing their work and learning new things.

Mary Helen Harper - Teacher


photo of kindergarten class

Hello from Kindergarten class!!!

The students have done a great job adjusting in our daily routine. We continue to review our classroom rules and procedures as well. We are doing our mitten unit for the month of November. We encourage parents to make a pair and bring it to class, notes will be sent how.

Parents are always welcome in our classroom. If you have any questions, call me at the school.

Francine Wood - Teacher

Greetings from Grade 1A

photo of grade 1A class

Every day, the little grade ones always come to class with happy faces and eager to learn new things. Right now, they are just learned the alphabet and numbers. As time progressed, they are usually ready to challenge the new concepts of learning, the contemporary education. Each month, the students learn different traditional unit. The teaching takes place inside and outside the classroom. This makes it more interesting to learn and to motivate them. Other subjects include Phys Ed, library and computer time. Computer time takes place in the classroom where they play with IPad tablets.

So parents/guardians, please attend whenever this is parent participation. Your children will enjoy having you visit the classroom. We are a community and the students are learning to get along and to help each other. Take care and God bless!

Cindy Knott - Teacher

Greetings from Grade 2A

photo of grade 2A class

Greetings from the Grade 2A Classroom!

The Grade 2A students have been amazing to work with and they are always ready to learn something new. They are filled with a lot of questions and always try and work hard in whatever they are doing. They have been concentrating a lot on phonics and sight words and in math we are doing number sense, addition, and subtraction facts. In Science they are learning about the lifecycles of animals and humans and they are also learning about the food groups. In Social Studies, we are learning about our local community. With Christmas approaching fast, the Grade 2's will be staring to practice for the upcoming Christmas concert and working on writing projects to Santa.

They celebrated their Halloween fun by having a dance party and a movie along with the treats that was sent by parents/guardians. Thank you! They had a lot of fun and yummy treats. They also won Best Decorated classroom and 2nd place bulletin board during the Halloween contest and they decided to have a pizza party once they get enough points.

Maralee Wood - Teacher

Greetings from Grade 3A

photo of grade 3A class

Hello from the Grade 3A Class!

We have been very busy since school started. It has been very fast months. I am glad to have these students in my classroom and thank you for sending them to school. We have done quite a bit of work in ELA, Science, Math and Social Studies. I am also teaching them to say proper words in our language. I am trying to promote our language to them so they will not forget it and I feel this is very important to them. We will also be doing some traditional unit teaching before Christmas. For those students who are still not attending school please make an effort to come to school. Please feel free to drop by and see how your child is doing.

Have a good day.

Emma J. Harper - Teacher

Greetings from Grade 4A

photo of grade 4A class

Hello from the Grade 4A Class!

We are working hard this year. I encourage all parents/guardians to continue sending your child to school.

Merry Christmas and have a safe holiday!

Harriet Wood - Teacher

Greetings from Grade 5A

Sheryl Harper - Teacher

Hello Parents/Guardians!

The months have gone by fast. The students are doing well in Grade 5. They have adjusted to the new routines and rules. We are learning a lot of new things and they ask for more. I am asking the parents to call the school if your child is sick so they can be marked sick. I want to thank the parents and guardians for sending your child to school. Please talk to your child about being respectful to others. Bullying is not allowed in my classroom. I am hoping to have a good year with my new Grade 5 students and hope that they have fun learning new things.


From Grade 6A

Blandilyn B. Galeon - Teacher

Hello from Grade 6A!

This month is shaping up to be a tremendous one. The students are beginning to apply the skills they already possess and apply new ones they have learned so that they may Earn Their Learning which is one of the core goals of the class this year. Currently we are looking at the Confederation of Canada and when the provinces and territories entered Canada. In Language Arts our focus is on learning how to write proper paragraphs using the definition and elements of paragraph and following the Six Traits of Writing as our guides. In Science, we will continue to look at nutrition and move forward to investigating our body systems. In Math, we are developing our problem solving and flexible thinking skills and we are also working on patterning skills.

From Grade 7A

Ann B. Harper - Teacher

Hello from Grade 7A!

The students have adjusted to their new classroom setting and routines at the portable trailers. The students were involved in various learning activities throughout the past month. We are learning subject contemporary Manitoba curriculum and we are striving to learn traditional hands-on activities every month for Art work.

So parents, please continue to send your children to school.

Thank you and have a safe holidays!

From the High School Science Room

Keith Ranville - Science Teacher

Hello Wasagamack!

The school year is so far so good. The new grade 9s are awesome and the grade 11s and grade 12s are very good. I am looking forward to some events coming up soon. For example, we are having an Island Lake Chess Tournament, Science fair, and the math challenge (just to name a few.) The drama club looks like it is going to be fun and entertaining for presenters and audience.

I hope everyone has a very good Christmas. Stay safe.

From the High School Social Studies Department

Randy Harper - Social Studies Teacher

Hello Wasagamack!

My Name is Randy Harper. I teach Grade 9, 10, and 12 social studies. It has been great and it seem going by really fast. The Christmas holidays is around the corner and it is going to get exciting and very busy around here. I would like to encourage parents to continue to support their child in their education, especially in high school. Students are doing very well in class and I would like to wish all the students the very best.

From the High School English, Language Arts

Sylvia Harper - Teacher

Greetings and salutations!

The ELA room has been very busy since the beginning of the semester. Grade 9 class have finished a unit on learning about themselves as learners and are now starting to learn about others through short stories. The grade 11 students have just finished getting personal with their zines and now students are only 3, but they are super awesome and participate in our group discussions. We just finished learning about how we react to stress and how we could react better. This is a tool they will need when they graduate and either enter the workforce, or go onto higher education.

As always, parents, please encourage your students to attend classes, I always miss the ones who do not attend regularly.

From the High School Math Department

Collaborative Learning in Math Class

The Grade 9B, Grade 11 and Adult-Ed students are working together, sharing their ideas during this group activity

Grace Demapanag - Teacher

Greetings from the Home Economics - High School

Ella Jane Knott - Teacher


We are here again - almost Christmas festivities and we, as teachers should let the children know the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus was born on December 25 and He loves us today and forever. We should love each other as He has taught us to do.

Our class of Home Economics students would like to share that we have worked hard getting our projects done and displaying them on our classroom walls. We would also invite you, parents/guardians, to come to our classroom and see what we do in our classes.

Have a safe Christmas holidays and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone.

Greetings from the Physical Education Dept - High School

Donna Wood - Phys Ed Teacher

It has been a very exciting school year so far. I am happy all of the organizations are participating in the sport of the month. It gives everyone a chance to visit and be active. The next sport in December is basketball. In January it will be ice hockey. Keep participating!

The students are doing well in Volleyball. I am making new superstars. Everyone got skills. Keep sending your Children to school. Christmas is coming up fast. Have a good day!

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!

photo of MarilynD

Hello, from the Vice Principal

So here I am, continuing on the role of Vice Principal which I started in February. I am enjoying my new busy life of being a school administrator. Each day is a brand-new day, some days challenging but most days are filled with the sweet mixture of students laughing, playing and learning and sometimes, a sound of frustration as the little ones struggle to adjust to their new surroundings and new routines of coming to school. I would like to commend our teachers, educational assistants and especially our Special Needs/Resource team and all support staff for an amazing job. Let us keep it up for the rest of the year!

I hope everyone enjoyed our annual cultural week as much as I did this year. It is very important that we teach our children from a young age, our culture and especially our language for language is the foundation of culture. I cannot stress enough to all the young parents and grandparents how very important it is to speak to your children in our language at home, even teaching them a word or two a day will make a difference. While you do this at home, we will continue to strive to provide and educate our children the skills that they will need to survive in this ever changing world. We cannot do this alone. We need each other if we are going to produce a healthy generation of smart people.

Halloween has come and gone and we enjoyed all the clowns, princesses, ghosts and goblins, even a few hotdogs and tacos that came to school on that day. They all enjoyed themselves as much as we did. Thank You to all the parents for getting your children all geared up for these fun events and we look forward to the rest of the year as we celebrate each holiday. A big thank you to the Chief & Council for that extra day of Halloween we had for the students.

As we all know, cold weather is upon us and we need to keep our children safe this winter. Let us all pitch in and keep an eye out for all the children as they play. Not only the small children, but also our youth, please take care of yourselves and each other. Remember, the children we have are all a gift from God and we have been given the honor to have them in our homes as our own to raise, nurture and love until they are ready to fly on their own.

At this time, I want to wish everyone a safe December, the month of joy and holiday cheer. We have a line-up of exciting events for the students for this month. Please, have a look at our calendar and come and help us celebrate the season with our children.

Marilyn D. Harper
Vice Principal

From the Resource Department

April Harper - Resource Aide

Greetings to everyone!

Well, Christmas is just on our doorsteps. September, October and November just zoomed by full force. We have had clinicians that have been visiting our school. It has been a very busy few months in our Resource Department at George Knott School. We have been busy with our students as well. We have an awesome team here. Our Education Assistants in our Special Needs, Speech and Language, American Sign Language and Classroom have been working hard with our students. We also have a Special Needs bus and our bus driver has been doing an awesome job in safely transporting our students to and from the school. I just want to commend our team in doing a great job with our students. Keep sending your child to school.

Greetings from Grade 1B

photo of grade 1B class

Hello Parents and Guardians,

We have 18 wonderful students in our classroom. Our traditional unit we had in October was Life at the trapline. Students had fun learning about trapline and what to pack in our pack sack. We completed the pack sack booklet.

Thank you.

Heather Little - Teacher

From Grade 2B

photo of grade 2B class

Greetings from Grade 2B!

The Grade 2B students are excited doing school work. They are eager to learn new things. In math, we are learning to add and subtract. In Language Arts, we are reading and writing. In science, we can tell the difference between seasons and in Social Studies, we are counting on our families and relations. The students are doing good work and are happy.

Anne McDougall - Teacher

From Grade 3B

photo of grade 3B class

Greetings from Grade 3B!

Our Grade 3B class has been a great start for us. We are studying hard in class.

Have a great holidays!

Amanda Harper - Teacher

Greetings from Grade 4B

photo of grade 4B class

Greetings to everyone!

We have been working extra hard within the past 2 months. We have tried and covered many concept as we can. Students are eager to learn new things and enjoy coming to school. The students are getting into their daily routine and are working together as a team. Students are looking forward to their Christmas holidays and are excited! Please dress your child with proper warm winter gear.

Lydia Wood - Teacher

Greetings from Grade 4C

photo of grade 4C class

Greetings to everyone!

There are 16 students in grade 4C. We have not done much since September. I, (Leslie) was gone from work for 4 weeks so the students are catching up. We do lots of writing, learning new words and putting them into sentences. The classroom we are learning in is very loud. It is very hard to learn ... too much music and it is next to the gym.

Christmas is almost here, we are looking forward to it. We have to practice our concert activity either a song or acting. We hope our parents come and watch.

Halloween went by so quickly, students had fun making Halloween items. Then came Remembrance Day, remembering soldiers that went to war.

We will be having a traditional Christmas feast which will be announced later. The students work on spelling, science, social studies, health and we learn native language. We will be working on some units on the Ahyas program, maybe making mitts and doing some sewing and beadwork.

Keep sending the students to school. Have a safe Christmas and winter.

Leslie Harper - Teacher

Greetings from Grade 5B

Violet Wood - Teacher

Greetings everyone!

The Grade 5 class miss their teacher Glen McIvor. Halloween we got off to a slow start then students started to get motivated by each other. We had a good time decorating.

Greetings from Grade 6B

Jennifer C. Knott - Teacher

Hello everyone!

These past couple of months have gone so fast. Our class has been working hard and we have learnt quite a few concepts already, we make mistakes but we try and understand what is presented in class. I always tell the students to get along with everyone in class and out of the classroom, I will not allow bullying in my class. If you think there is a problem, please let me know so we can have a talk with the students. We will make an effort to help one another and to discourage any bullying in the school.

Our class of 6B has 21 students and most of them are regular students, please keep sending them to school so they would not miss any class work/assignments. Our Grade 6B has extracurricular classes which are guitar, physical education, fitness and library. They also have Native Language, which Laura Harper is teaching in the classroom.

We have so much to learn for the next couple of months and lots of activities to do, we will have fun learning new things.

December will be here in no time and there will be lots of activities and I want all parents/guardians to pick up report cards to know how your child is doing in school. If you have any questions, I am the school to answer your questions.

Greetings from Grade 7B

Cecilia Harper - Teacher

Hi from Grade 7B!

In Grade 7B, we are working on the ecosystem in science. Students enjoy learning the process of dyeing the medicinal plant (rat root). We picked down the bank of the South end creek. It was awesome to include hiking when picking. We will get back with you as we are still in the process of preparing our medicine.

So far, we had fun at the bazaar and it was an event we looked forward to. As Cristmas is around the corner, we have started decorating our classroom. We are also preparing our mitten unit and hopefully, everything will work out.

That will be all for now – until next time.

Greetings from Grade 8B

Lorna Wood - Teacher

Hello from Grade 8B!

The grade eight classes are working hard and doing well in class. They are fast learners so they get their assignments done quickly. Halloween was fun, we all played together. Winter is coming, we want to wish everyone a safe freeze up.

Until next time.

Computer Lab

photo of computerlab

September 9, 2019 officially marked the start of the 1st term of our school year 2019-2020. We are met with a lot of activities and events beginning with our Halloween, Remembrance, Aboriginal Veterans Day, community events and bazaar. Time really flies fast and what do you know? We are now halfway in our 1st school term and Christmas is just around the corner, without us even knowing it.

In between our various school activities are excitement, struggles and challenges in our academics. Congratulations to those who made it in their mid-term exams and to those who did not, don’t give up. Try again, avoid distractions, stay focused on your studies and learn from your mistakes.

We are looking forward to another exciting year during the school term 2019-2020. We will introduce new technologies starting with Mathletics and new hardware like the LOFT and S6000 smartboards that will enhance the learning experience of our students. Our Maple Wood register system has been initially installed and soon, we will have a parallel run with our actual school reporting procedures to fine tune and finalize its implementation.

So parents and guardians, keep your children coming to the school … there are a lot of new things they can learn in their academics, life skills, business, science and computer technology.

We wish you a joyous Christmas holidays!

Butch Rabasto - Computer Teacher

Business Courses

photo of business course class

The winter season is almost apparent, but as the calendar moves further into another year, we know that the school year 2019-2020 lingers in the heart and mind of our students.

As we pursue the second year offering of business courses, I believe that this provides real-world experience and prepares students for grown-up life and independence. It teaches them how to earn money in any life situation and help them realize their true calling.

We thank you parents and guardians for your continuous support and encouragement to our students as we fulfill our duties to bring out their potential to become successful in their studies.

Wishing you all the best of the Holiday Season!

Corazon Rabasto - Teacher
BSBA - Accounting

Greetings from Early Years/Middle Years Physical Education

Kim Harper - Teacher

Hello everyone,

Christmas coming up real fast! Anyways, this is my first year being a gym/fitness teacher. So far, it is going along good. There are times I miss teaching other subjects, but I can always go back to classroom teaching. So, please send your children to school every school day.

Thank you.

From the School Library

Sandra Harper - Librarian

Hi, coming from the Library!

So far, students enjoy reading, the high school finished a couple of novels and chapter books and did book reports, interviewing, book buddies. Elementary is kind of doing the same but we also do sharing stories in a circle. They also draw about the book they were reading and they make very good and excited drawings that way I know if they understood the story.

We also have an elder in our school. Sometimes she drops in to look for books and she tells me to try and translate the story in our language, so I try. My prep time is when I have to sort books on the shelves, repair books, plan for the other classes. It would be nice if your child could read at least 10 to 15 minutes at home.

I am still enjoying the students, please dress them up nice and cozy for winter.

Greetings from the Cleaning Ladies

photo of cleaning ladies

Hi to everyone!

We would like to take this opportunity to greet everybody a joyous Christmas holidays! May you experience the true meaning of the occasion and enjoy with your families, friends and loved ones.

Merry Christmas!

Desney Harper
Emma Wood
Josephine McDougall
Nancy Knott
Cheryl Knott
Mary J. McDougall

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Stay SAFE this winter and enjoy the upcoming Christmas holidays!!!